Europe Energy Crisis Explained!

Europe Energy Crisis, we know European countries depend on the Russian gas pipeline, but how much? For starters, North Macedonia is 100% dependent. The European economy is starting to crumble. High inflation, food shortages and energy crisis paired with the winter just around the corner is quite unfortunate. High prices and Inflation will result in industrial cutbacks and shutdowns of the factories causing unemployment to raise which will in return rise Inflation even more triggering a recession.

Russia Ukraine war explained

Russia-Ukraine War   The global economy just started to recover from the Pandemic and the destruction it brought along. Yet we all bear witness to a pointless war, I consider it pointless because it was just a minor matter which was easily solvable with talks and yet it escalated to a point of war. First […]

Kuril Island dispute

Russia-Japan: Debated Kuril This dispute is not as intense as the Russia-Ukraine war, yet it is significant nonetheless. What makes it more interesting is the fact that both the nations, Russia and Japan are still at war, well legally. After WWII ended in the allied nation’s favour, peace treaties were signed among all participants of […]